Posts by mikey

1) Message boards : News : Credit badges (Message 1901)
Posted 6 May 2024 by mikey
Guess I'll join some of the other badge hunters here in saying: I think the current levels make these badges a little more special than, say PrimeGrid. With regards to a comment suggesting white as a color for a more entry level badge, I was thinking that would be used for "diamond" if indeed more badge levels are added. Maybe a "hollow" star for more entry level badges. Just a thought :)

Speaking of badges you are VERY close to your first GOLD Badge!!!
2) Message boards : Random stuff : can't find my Team (Message 1601)
Posted 11 Jul 2022 by mikey
There's no such team in the database here. Did you try

That worked thank you VERY much!!
3) Message boards : Random stuff : can't find my Team (Message 1599)
Posted 10 Jul 2022 by mikey
I can't find my normal Team in a search, The Final Front Ear, and I can't find a way to create it here, it IS a Boinc wide Team and I am on it everywhere except here. Is there a way to fix this?

4) Message boards : Number crunching : My GPU is hiding in plain sight (Message 1581)
Posted 24 Jan 2022 by mikey
Thanks, but I followed the forum post you linked.

Today I tried again with Ubuntu, also trying to make it right, but it still didn't do the trick (also with the drivers etc.).

Seems to be my hardware or something. Anyways thanks for the reply :)

My 1050Ti works great here so your 1050 should as well, although we use different versions of Linux the principals should be near enough to help:

1) be sure to load the extra drivers when asked too or load the 470.86 Nvidia drivers thru the add software link---it looks like this is already done as I see it listed

2) fix your cc_config file so it doesn't say:

16-Sep-2021 09:16:42 [---] cc_config.xml not found - using defaults
16-Sep-2021 09:50:30 [---] cc_config.xml not found - using defaults
16-Sep-2021 09:59:35 [---] Unrecognized tag in cc_config.xml: <use_all_gpus>
16-Sep-2021 09:59:35 [---] Error in cc_config.xml options
16-Sep-2021 09:59:35 [---] Missing end tag in cc_config.xml

here's a very simple one that I use:




Yours says it's "missing the end tag" as well so it could be as simple as adding a > to the end of one or more of the lines to fix that part. Yours has TWO parts saying <use_all_gpus> so that's a big part of the problem. I would just delete the 2nd <cc_config> part and then save the file and see if it works.

The cc_config file goes in the Boinc folder NOT the Projects folder as it's a main Boinc controlling file and not a Project specific one. Also be sure to you use the Text editor program NOT a word processing program as it will add stuff to the file that Boinc can't read so ignores the whole file.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : GPU version requirements for the search up to 10^20 (Message 1579)
Posted 6 Jan 2022 by mikey
Why do the GPU tasks take so long? On my laptop running a 1660ti after 8 hours the prediction is 10 more days to finish. Ridiculous for a GPU task. I aborted it.

The only thing I can think of is are you leaving a cpu core free just for the gpu to use? My Nvidia 1050Ti with 4gb and the same driver you are using of onboard memory is doing tasks in: 4,580.39 seconds and getting 6,836.19 credits for each one. The only main difference is I'm using Linux and you are using Windows but that should NOT matter at all.
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Why isn't the project GPU-only by default? (Message 1444)
Posted 10 Sep 2020 by mikey
I am new here, so please be kind if I am totally off on this, and I apologize if I am.

That said, I don't quite understand why the project is sending CPU-only tasks when it seems to take more than 100x longer.

Why hasn't the project become GPU-only, or at least GPU-only by default?

Especially with the pentathlon coming up, you would think we would want to have the most efficient way of completing tasks being the default?



Because ALOT of crunchers don't have a gpu that can crunch or understand that they need to load drivers that aren't included in Windows or Linux, some do, to crunch with their gpu. They are gamers that are trying something new and the games just work while crunching does NOT!!!
7) Message boards : News : Credit badges for 100, 200 and 500 thousand total credit (Message 1439)
Posted 3 Sep 2020 by mikey
Hi Sergei,
I`ve been a member for over a month now.
I wonder why my Badges doesn`t show up on FreeDc ?
Best Regards

Is this you?
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Somethings must be faulty -> AMD gpu usage at nearby 1-2 % ? Clueless.. (Message 1167)
Posted 14 Jun 2019 by mikey
3h30m 68.6 % , and it's getting slower. *chewbacca sound*. dam...
I'll suspend them from crunching, and start over with some new ones...

ok, on the next two wus I'm running with
more cpu usage, means:

cpus = 0.80
gpus = 0.50

Running very wrong 5% in 30 minutes. No way !

Comeon, there must be a way faster ! Anybody out there ? I can't effort this to pay really !


Change the cpu numbers back to 1.0 so it uses a whole cpu core and then run multiple gpu workunits at the same time, I'm running 6 on my 1060 and it;s barely reaching 10% but is banging them out in a little over 5.5 hours each. You use an app_config.xml file like this:


Save the file as a txt type file, use Notepad in Windows, and save it to c:\programdata\boinc\projects\ the one with ammicable in the name. Change the <max_concurrent> line and the <gpu_usage line to run more wu's at one time. For instance to run 6 at one time you change the 4 to a 6 and change the 0.25 to 0.16, to run 8 at one time you change the 4 to an 8 and the percentage to 0.125, then open the Boinc Manager and click options, read config files. BE CAREFUL though as that will cause your existing wu's to restart from the beginning but you will be running 4 at one time or 6 or whatever. Experiment with how many you can run at one time before the time starts going up, then back off one wu.
9) Message boards : Number crunching : GPU version tweaking for current WUs (Message 1155)
Posted 25 May 2019 by mikey
I have two GPU's in my PC, both nVidia. One a GTX1080 the other a Quadro K2000.
How can I set up to run two or more tasks on the GTX1080 but just one on the K2000?
Right now the K2000 is at 90%, but the GTX1080 is at 8-12%, based on GPU-Z.

You can install Boinc again in a different directory and then exclude one gpu from each of them , then you can tweak the settings individually.
10) Message boards : Number crunching : Countermeasures for Increased CPU Time (Message 1131)
Posted 13 May 2019 by mikey
It's because Boinc is written as a 32bit program and that's the limit it can show, it USES all of the memory until some Project comes up with a greater than 4gb workunit itself, which SO FAR none have done yet. A 64bit version has been discussed but I don't know how far along it is.

Is that really the case? BOINC has been offering 64bit versions for years although a 32bit download is still available. Additionally many projects offer 32bit and 64bit applications although Amicable Numbers only offers 64bit applications. You can peruse the download offerings and see both x86 and x86_64 offerings: OR

You are talking different parts of Boinc, there is a Server side the Projects run and Client side we crunchers run.
11) Message boards : Number crunching : Countermeasures for Increased CPU Time (Message 1054)
Posted 10 Jan 2019 by mikey
Per your direction I did the right click, edit option. When the file opened using Word, EditPad, and NotePad, each had several pages of text. Clearly that wasn't right.

Copied the config file again as listed on this page, did both the "right click/edit" and "open with" option using NotePad. Pasted the config file contents and saved.

Did the right click/edit again, and it looked good this time. Also did the "open with" NotePad option and it had just the config as listed below, so no excess stuff this time

Still getting an Missing <app_config> in app_config.xml error message...

Below is what was copied, directly from the file by right clicking on it, :


Is the error message the same if it can't find or doesn't see the file as it would be if it was a faulty script? I'd like to verify Boinc can read/run "any" app_config file at this point. I run Amicable, GPUGrid, Rosetta, WCG, CG, NF, and Seti.

Is there a config setting in the Boinc manager where it sets where to look for any app_config files?

Did you save the file as a txt type file but with the .xml extension? If so and it's in the Boinc/projects/ammicablenumbersproject folder then all you need to do is go into the boinc Manager and click on Options, Read config files and it will run it, any errors will show up in the Event Log under the Tools tab.
12) Message boards : Number crunching : Countermeasures for Increased CPU Time (Message 1053)
Posted 10 Jan 2019 by mikey
The GTX 1080 ti and RTX 2080 ti both have 11GB RAM, but only 4GB shows up in BOINC data ;)

It's because Boinc is written as a 32bit program and that's the limit it can show, it USES all of the memory until some Project comes up with a greater than 4gb workunit itself, which SO FAR none have done yet. A 64bit version has been discussed but I don't know how far along it is.
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Countermeasures for Increased CPU Time (Message 1052)
Posted 10 Jan 2019 by mikey
There is no way to tell BOINC to use different app_configs for different cards on the same host, right? For instance, one of my machines has an RTX 2070 and two GTX 1060 3GB and I'm getting screenlag with two tasks at the same time (screen connected to one of the GTXs), so it would be ideal to have the RTX crunch two and the rest only one.

Is it really necessary to assign a full CPU core to each task even with the decrease in usage more tasks entail?

There IS if you load up two different copies of Boinc itself into different locations on your harddrive. Then you just need to exclude one of the gpu's from each copy of Boinc and set the settings you want for that gpu.
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Auto-ban faulty hosts (Message 783)
Posted 28 Mar 2018 by mikey
to start banning pc's with just 2 errors out of 242 workunits seems a bit harsh. What's the procedure for the guy to bring his pc back? In the banning process he had more workunits on his pc that he finished crunching but was NOT allowed to return them to even figure out it the problem was fixed or not, he had to abort them all and move to another project, where the graphics card is working just fine.

It's not harsh, because extremely few computers actually get banned here. He needs to check his GPU, run stress tests and make sure it doesn't crash or give errors, doesn't overheat, and I'll unban it then. "Working just fine" depends on the type of workload. It may be just on the edge for some projects and run fine, but cross the edge and fail sometimes on other projects.

He's not a rookie cruncher and has been crunching for a long time so understands all that, but it's okay 'lots of fish in the sea' as they say and he's now happily crunching just fine at another project.
15) Message boards : Number crunching : Auto-ban faulty hosts (Message 777)
Posted 27 Mar 2018 by mikey
1 error detected in the compilation of "C:\Users\steve\AppData\Local\Temp\".
Frontend phase failed compilation.

OpenCL.cpp, line 397: Trying to disable 'goto' and build again
01:16:06 (2252): called boinc_finish(0)

please tell me how this is a USER CAUSED ERROR? Because I too could be banned if this is a problem caused by the users!!

That PC has this message in all tasks' logs, including a few hundred valid ones. It's normal: in this case it failed to compile because of a known issue with amd drivers and a workaround was applied, so it compiled and ran fine after that.

But incorrect result was returned for a few tasks out of a few hundred valid tasks. This is a direct indication of unstable hardware. Many similar configurations run with the same message in logs, but without problems (validation failures) on this project.

Only validation failures are counted - it's when a client didn't report any errors on exit, but returned incorrect result. This can jeopardize the whole project's target and can't be tolerated.

Only "Completed, marked as invalid" status is counted for banning.

Because I too could be banned if this is a problem caused by the users!!

No, your computers have 0 "Completed, marked as invalid" tasks.

P.S. There are over 5000 hosts that run Amicable Numbers every day. Only 3 hosts are currently banned, so please don't exaggerate this problem.

I'm not trying too...the point is the host did Valid (240) workunits and ONLY· Invalid (2) ones and yet it was banned. My point is that perhaps your criteria for banning is a bit too sensitive and then to say 'well it's automatic' isn't being genuine because SOMEONE had to set the criteria for the 'automatic' procedure to be implemented. It's not built into the Boinc software to do that or several other projects would have long ago banned hundreds of graphics cards, but they haven't. This is like the accounting department telling me 'the computer made a mistake', NO computers don't do that, they only do what they are told to do that's why we all love them, they can do the same thing over and over and over again until either a part fails or the programming fails, but they do not randomly ban pc's or make mistakes.

I don't want to get into an argument here, it's your project and you can run it the way you like, but to start banning pc's with just 2 errors out of 242 workunits seems a bit harsh. What's the procedure for the guy to bring his pc back? In the banning process he had more workunits on his pc that he finished crunching but was NOT allowed to return them to even figure out it the problem was fixed or not, he had to abort them all and move to another project, where the graphics card is working just fine.
16) Message boards : Number crunching : Auto-ban faulty hosts (Message 775)
Posted 26 Mar 2018 by mikey
I did 1300 good work units and 4 invalid and you banned my computer!!!!!!! BYE!!!

Do you realise this ban was automatic? Unless you fix this PC, it will stay banned.

You guys do realize that he's using the latest driver and the problems was:

1 error detected in the compilation of "C:\Users\steve\AppData\Local\Temp\".
Frontend phase failed compilation.

OpenCL.cpp, line 397: Trying to disable 'goto' and build again
01:16:06 (2252): called boinc_finish(0)

please tell me how this is a USER CAUSED ERROR? Because I too could be banned if this is a problem caused by the users!!
17) Message boards : News : Credit badges (Message 415)
Posted 8 Apr 2017 by mikey
18) Message boards : Number crunching : Auto-ban faulty hosts (Message 354)
Posted 20 Mar 2017 by mikey
And only 2 hosts have been banned so far, and both wasn't mistakes. No false positives so far.

Both of them are mine, both are arm64 systems running an older client. I need to recompile the new source.

I only see one "invalid" on one of them and two on the other but the history is pretty short.

I have a "banned" host too, I think it's because the gpu is too old to crunch here and even though it tried I have 4 bad units so I aborted the rest of them,13 of them, and moved it to PrimeGrid, where it works just fine. It's an AMD 6670 so not new by any stretch, I don't care if it can't crunch here, it's way too slow anyway.
19) Message boards : Number crunching : GTX285 can't support this project? (Message 338)
Posted 13 Mar 2017 by mikey
all tasks error

I believe it needs the latest opencl driver which the 285 does not support
20) Message boards : News : For all Gridcoin users: whitelist poll (Message 333)
Posted 10 Mar 2017 by mikey
There is a problem, see:

Whitelist issue: Amicable Numbers not showing in the NN

Admin, please take a look into this.

Essentially I believe it means that if you are Member of the Gridcoin Team then you can get 'paid' to crunch the
workunits if they allow this Project thru 'their' scrutiny process. Otherwise like the rest of us you crunch because you want too!

I was on the Gridcoin Team at one time and they DO 'pay' you, but you won't get rich or even make your electricity money back while crunching for the Gridcoin Team. My personal experience
obviously and your mileage may vary.

©2024 Sergei Chernykh