Project status

Server status

Program Host Status
Download server Running
Upload server Running
Scheduler sech Running
feeder sech Running
transitioner sech Running
file_deleter sech Running
sample_bitwise_validator_10_21 (amicable_10_21) sech Running
assimilator_amicable_10_21 (amicable_10_21) sech Running

Computing status


Tasks ready to send3303
Tasks in progress8918
Workunits waiting for validation0
Workunits waiting for assimilation0
Workunits waiting for file deletion0
Tasks waiting for file deletion0
Transitioner backlog (hours)0.00
Current progress (1021, part 3)10.7354%
ETA at current speed (1021, part 3)Sep 2026


With credit17537
With recent credit1948
Registered in past 24 hours63


With credit7905
With recent credit5349
Registered in past 24 hours38
Currently active475
Current speed (eqv)4,407.77 x Intel Core i9-14900KF

Tasks by application

Application Unsent In progress Runtime of last 100 tasks in hours: average, min, max Users in last 24 hours Hosts in last 24 hours
Amicable Numbers up to 10^21 3303 8918 0.29 (0.02 - 117.7) 578 1212
Database schema version: 27014

Task data as of 26 Jul 2024, 23:26:03 UTC

©2024 Sergei Chernykh