Posts by Ruud van der Kroef

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Long running tasks (Message 1635)
Posted 17 Nov 2022 by Ruud van der Kroef
There really is something wrong with these tasks (at least if run on a CPU, they seem to run fine on a GPU).

Today I aborted a number of tasks that did not show much progress (<1%) after more than an hour.

Right now I am at my computer(s), and noticed one task starts, progress goes to 0.288%, and sits there, even after 13 minutes.
While I am watching this, I see a task on the same system, that runs for about 7 hours, and progress is at about 65%, suddenly fall back to 0.212% and keeps sitting there. Very weird.
Time to abort these too.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Long running tasks (Message 1634)
Posted 8 Nov 2022 by Ruud van der Kroef
What I was afraid of, happened today: one of the tasks - - exceeded its deadline and the task was given to another machine, which finished it in a flash.
That will probably mean, that I won't get any credit after I finished the task. It is running for 130h now, and will need another day.

I have a total of 7 tasks, which will run from 6 to 8 days, and will certainly finish after the deadline.
I will keep the above mentioned task running, and let it finish to see what happens.
The other tasks have been put on hold.

The above mentioned task has finished, and has been marked: Completed, too late to validate.
OK, that was to be expected. Next I aborted all tasks that I had put on hold.
Earlier I mentioned 7, but it turned out to be 12 tasks.
Lost about 1000 hours of processing time; not very nice.

I looked at the aborted tasks, and the ones that have been processed by a wingman and granted credit, all have run on a GPU.
So, that does not seem to be a problem.

Things look to be good now, as Sygopet mentioned.
What we have to do now, is keep a close eye on these tasks, and watch progress and time remaining.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Long running tasks (Message 1632)
Posted 6 Nov 2022 by Ruud van der Kroef
What I was afraid of, happened today: one of the tasks - - exceeded its deadline and the task was given to another machine, which finished it in a flash.
That will probably mean, that I won't get any credit after I finished the task. It is running for 130h now, and will need another day.

I have a total of 7 tasks, which will run from 6 to 8 days, and will certainly finish after the deadline.
I will keep the above mentioned task running, and let it finish to see what happens.
The other tasks have been put on hold.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Long running tasks (Message 1627)
Posted 3 Nov 2022 by Ruud van der Kroef
In the (recent) past I had tasks, that ran from 4 to 12 hours, also depending on the type of CPU.
Now I have a number of tasks that will run for a week or more. Is this new?
And will the amount of credit be adjusted accordingly?

Regards, Ruud

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