Posts by PDW

1) Message boards : News : The search up to 10^20 (Message 1249)
Posted 25 Oct 2019 by Profile PDW
It doesn't require 8 GB all the time, you could increase your swap file and be fine with ~1.5 GB physical RAM per task. Now I'm not sure how to make BOINC run with more memory used than available.

On mine a GPU task takes about a minute to get up to near the 8Gb system memory being used and that does not get released until the task completes.
2) Message boards : Bug tracker : Not getting GPU workunits (Message 811)
Posted 29 Apr 2018 by Profile PDW
No New Tasks !

Ah, linux, you should have lead with that !!
3) Message boards : Bug tracker : Not getting GPU workunits (Message 806)
Posted 28 Apr 2018 by Profile PDW
Doesn't need to be set up on that machine, the projects that are may have got their settings from WCG.
Even Amicable may have got your general settings from WCG since it says they were last set in 2017.
I haven't read anything that says the 'controlling' project has to be present on a machine for them to be used, all seems to be linked to CPID.

Did single project update (everything else NNT) not work ?
Can't see your machines so can't see details of Boinc/OS to suggest much else...
Is No_Alt_Platform set in cc_config ?
4) Message boards : Bug tracker : Not getting GPU workunits (Message 803)
Posted 27 Apr 2018 by Profile PDW

Fri 27 Apr 2018 12:06:00 AM EDT | | General prefs: from (last modified 26-Sep-2017 00:16:23)
(I don't understand why it's getting prefs from wcg - I don't have it setup on this machine)

I believe the general computing preferences propagate when the same email address is used (I assume basically CPID based).

Have you tried with just this project being the only one to request any work ?
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Computers list is gone? (Message 741)
Posted 18 Feb 2018 by Profile PDW
Is it a problem to keep them for longer or are you just running a tight ship :)
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Computers list is gone? (Message 739)
Posted 18 Feb 2018 by Profile PDW
I suspect it is the second one.
I only have 1 inactive computer that shows up (from Dec 2017) on the All Computers list, I'm pretty sure there should be others (inactive) on that list as well.
7) Message boards : News : More than 1000 new amicable pairs found! (Message 718)
Posted 22 Jan 2018 by Profile PDW
>Each pair is listed under the name of this pair's discoverer.

Since each work unit is run on two different computers (by two different users), my question is this: if a amicable pair is found, will both users be credited as discoverers? Or only the user who reported it first? (The former would make the most sense to me.)

They're both mentioned as discoverers in the order they completed the corresponding work unit.

I take it when only one person is named as discoverer that they ran the work unit on two of their own computers ?
Just checking as you didn't counter the 'by two different users' statement.
8) Message boards : Number crunching : app_config.xml -> clueless (Message 317)
Posted 7 Mar 2017 by Profile PDW
Change app_name to just name

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