TeAm AnandTech


Team info
Description Welcome to TeAm AnandTech! Here you will find plenty of great folks who would be glad to help you with the technical side of setting up and running distributed computing applications. You will find people who are more passionate about numbers than some mathematicians. You will find a great community who enjoy having [slightly] off topic discussions and helping each other immensely in real life. Some projects look outward into space, to look for extraterrestrial life, pulsars, and other things. Others look around, to chart the development of life on the planet, or predict future weather patterns. Yet others look inward, to analyze the structure of atoms, molecules, or proteins. Each project can have a great impact on the development of science in its area, and you can help!
Created 30 Jan 2017
Web site
Total credit 8,151,332,154
Recent average credit 8,790,034
Cross-project stats
Country International
Type None
Founder TAC
New members in last day 0
Total members 55 (view)
Active members 10 (view)
Members with credit 47 (view)

©2024 Sergei Chernykh

Generated 13 Sep 2024, 21:07:54 UTC