User Profiles - Names beginning with S: Page 1 of 3

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 0:40:01 UTC

shiva ("Hello I'm Rick I live in western Kansas about 60 miles from the center of the USA. I'm a...")
STMahlberg ("I've been a member of SETI.USA since 2010. We are an International Team of like minded...")
Sphynx ("I've been a member of SETI.USA since 2010. We are an International Team of like minded...")
Steve Dodd ("Crunching for The Planetary Society since May, 1999. Love chasing after badges and RAC :)...")
Stephen Uitti ("SETI@Home user since 99. Into astronomy. Engineer by training, computer guy by profession.")
Skivelitis2 ("...")
SEARCHER ("Hi all. I'm a 55 Years old Male from Ludwigshafen/Germany and my Occupation is Technical...")
Skywalker TSBT ("The Mad Hatter of Crunching!! The Force is strong with this one!! Go TSBT!!")
Soderstromm ("Hi, my name is Dmitry! I'm from Russia, i'm just a guy like millions other guys around the...")

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