User Profiles from United States: Page 2 of 7

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 0:40:01 UTC

Tuna Ertemalp ("Born in Germany (Öhringen), raised in Turkey (Istanbul), all grown up in USA...")
Dave GPU ("Born 1960 London England moved to florida USA in 1981. Had the good fortune doing some...")
Steve Dodd ("Crunching for The Planetary Society since May, 1999. Love chasing after badges and RAC :)...")
edmoran ("Retired engineer and tech writer in the Pacific Northwest US")
robbysites ("I have a background in science and use my PCs to crunch and fold for TEAM EVGA. I am in the...")
Farscape ("I am a Building Construction Estimator by trade living in North Alabama just outside of...")
Stephen Uitti ("SETI@Home user since 99. Into astronomy. Engineer by training, computer guy by profession.")
NxtGenCowboy (":)")
Skivelitis2 ("...")
planetclown ("I enjoy following trends in sciences and technology, and the ways in which they can be...")

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