User Profiles from United States: Page 3 of 7

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 0:40:01 UTC

artemis8 ("I live in the Kansas City, Missouri metro with my husband, son, 4 cats, 2 ferrets, and a...")
FourOh ("Engineer. Dog park enthusiast. Take-out menu collector. Crunching on and off since 2001...")
Opolis ("Mechanical Engineer from California, USA. I love computers, cars, music, sports, and...")
Devlin85 ("Computer Enthusiast, Gamer, and Network Engineer/Computer Technician. Team EVGA All The...")
Alan E. Monroe ("HR Professional from Illinois, USA. I have been crunching off and on since 2000 for the...")
Skywalker TSBT ("The Mad Hatter of Crunching!! The Force is strong with this one!! Go TSBT!!")
Bill F ("I am an old Techie that worked for the same high tech service company through mergers, name...")
RFGuy_KCCO ("Proud member of Team [H]ard|OCP!")
Beyond ("I'm retired and DC is one of my hobbies along with marathon canoe racing and XC skiing. In...")
Ron Shurtz [BlackOps] ("Born in 1954, I'm a Structural Engineer with a background in highway bridge design and...")

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