Strange validation status of a task

Message boards : Bug tracker : Strange validation status of a task

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Profile Laurent Lyaudet

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Message 1744 - Posted: 17 Dec 2023, 2:55:06 UTC

The following workunit was listed as waiting for validation :
in my list for computer 201681 since the 11th or the 12th of december.
But now it is validated by someone else.
And my computer task has status "Délai expiré - aucune réponse" (Delay expirated - no answer).
I don't know what was wrong but I already had a task where the validation was stuck and I informed you of it.
For this previous task, you succeed to unlock its validation.
I don't know what can be done afterwards for the task of the 11th of december.
It does not matter much, but maybe you will find a way to correct the bug, nevertheless.
Best regards,
Laurent Lyaudet
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Message boards : Bug tracker : Strange validation status of a task

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